The Khilafah Conference 2009 - America was held today in Oak Lawn, IL, outside of Chicago. A press release about the event on Friday from the group sponsoring the conference, Hizb-ut Tahrir America, stated "the conference will address the era of global change. It will present Islam as a platform for an ideological alternative to replace a failing system that has failed the whole of humanity. From the midst of Africa to the cities of America, people are suffering from the failing policies that have left hundreds of millions of people in hunger and poverty. The conference will emphasize the importance of the Caliphate State (Khilafah) that will introduce a new world order based on equality, justice, and the well being of humanity..."
"What is a Caliphate anyways?" you say? I'm glad you asked. The caliphate refers to a traditional form of government based on Islam. The term also refers to a state that implements such a government. For such a government to exist, there must be a unified nation of Muslim believers, and they would be led by a single head of state referred to as the Caliph. The Caliph is said to derive his authority from the prophet Muhammad himself. The last Caliphate, the Ottoman empire, was ended in 1924 when Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, president of the Republic of Turkey, constitutionally abolished it. There has been desire among some in the Muslim world ever since that time, however, to re-establish the Caliphate. The voices calling for its re-establishment have gotten louder in louder, both in the Muslim world, and now we see it also in the heartland of the good 'ol USA.
You can read more here
and watch the conference promo video
Will the Caliphate be re-established? Will Islam unite and rise to global superpower status? Is capitalism finished? Is America's status as a superpower finished? Will there be an Islamic Anti-Christ? Only time will tell, but this is certainly a time to be spiritually alert, awake, sober, and watchful.
Author Joel Richardson (a pen name) certainly makes a compelling case for the Islamic Anti-Christ in his book with that same title, "The Islamic Anti-Christ"; this book was first released with the title "Anti-Christ: Islam's Awaited Messiah", but it is now being re-released with a new title and some additional, updated information. He specifically contends that the Islamic Anti-Christ will be the Caliph of a revived Caliphate in Turkey, the place of the last Caliphate which ended in 1924, mentioned earlier. My purpose in writing this blog is not to plug Mr. Richardson's book; however, I have found it to be well written, informative, and extremely relevant to the times we live in. Here is a link to that book.
For those students of the Bible and eschatology (the study of the end-times), much of this may be old news to you; for others, you have already dismissed this all as absurd, even as you likely dismiss faith in Jesus Christ as absurd. But for those "in the valley of decision" so to speak, I pray that you would investigate these matters, and may God convince you of the truth and reality of what He has said concerning both the generation of His return, and of all that He has said - and may that truth transform you. In Jesus' name. Amen!
1 comment:
Buddy, I love ya but this sort of thing is nothing new and has been going on for years.
It just the media is bigger now and you about more things you really don't need to need to know anything about.
The sad fact is that a lot of people today are far less educated and informed than at times before so they buy into any scare tactic that comes along more readily.
Just my two cents.
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