Saturday, July 26, 2008

Powerful Video Drama from GodTube

I just watched this video drama on GodTube and found it to be powerful; enjoy!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Pursuit of Purity

I was a bit shocked and very encouraged to find the front page article on this afternoon was "The Pursuit of Purity." At over 4,000 purity events that take place annually in the U.S., such as the Father-Daughter Purity Ball, fathers are committing to be involved in their daughter's lives, including their relationships with the opposite sex, and to being good role models and protecting their families by not allowing adultery or the spirit of adultery to enter their homes through pornography. Daughters, from as young as 4 yrs old to college age, are committing to wait until marriage to lose their virginity, and to submit to their parents God given authority and covering over their lives by involving them in their relationship decisions.
The critics/sexual perverts shun and mock such ideas as archaic and backwards; to this I say "Let evildoers do their worst and the dirty-minded go all out in pollution, but let the righteous maintain a straight course and the holy continue on in holiness." (Revelation 22:11)

Read the rest of the article here.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

God at the Home Run Derby

Texas Rangers outfielder Josh Hamilton hit 28 home runs in the first round of Major League Baseball's home run derby on Monday night from New York's Yankke Stadium, setting a new record. During the round, the announcers talked about Hamilton's tatoos and how he wished he had never got them, and had tried to have them removed several times. They said he had got them when he was on drugs a few years back.
I had never heard of Josh Hamilton before Monday, but apparently his story has become fairly well known. After being the top draft pick in 1999, he got on heroine and crack, I believe, shortly thereafter. In 2005, with the help and prayers of his grandmother, he turned back to God and was set free from his addiction. John 8:36 says "He who the Son sets free is free indeed."

Anyhow, back to Monday night. As I'm watching and listening to Hamilton's story, I am realizing that the guy is a Christian and Jesus set him free from his addiction (the announcers had not mentioned that part). As he continues to belt baseballs out of the park, they start talking about how he had had a dream about being interviewed at the home run derby in Yankee Stadium (some time ago, even before it was known that it would be at Yankee Stadium, or that Hamilton would be a part of it).
At this point, I'm sure the guy is a Christian. After the round, before they go to commercial, they interview him. I don't remember what questions they asked him, but his response to maybe 2 of the 3 or 4 questions was "Praise God" or "I thank God". What a stage to be able to give God the glory! Then, after the interview, the announcer throws out some comment like "What a show put on by Josh's a difficult night to be an atheist, that's for sure!" I had to laugh, it was great. Though he ended up losing in the finals, he was undoubtedly the highlight of the night!
Though this might seem like a rather simple and unspectacular act of praise, it certainly brought me great joy to see God exalt His servant Josh on such a big stage, and Josh exalt his Savior in return!
Praise really is that simple, though. Praise is defined as: 1. expressing admiration, approval, commendation, laudation 2. offering grateful homage exalt or extol 4. to voice approbation or esteem 5. worship, value
When we give God praise we simply give voice to our the gratitude, admiration, and esteem that we have and feel towards our awesome Creator, especially in the presence of others.
Truly, as the Psalm 147:1 says, "It is good to sing praises to our God; for it is pleasant, and a song of praise is fitting." Congratulations again to Josh Hamilton; may we all simply give God the praise He is due, for who He is and what He has done...Praise the Lord!
Read Josh Hamilton tell his own story of redemption here.