Thursday, January 1, 2009

I challenge you to read the entire Bible in 2009 - It's doable!

If you are reading this and have never read the Bible, or have not read most of it, I challenge you an encourage you this year to read the whole thing. It seems like a daunting task, but it's really not that tough. In about three and a half chapters a day, you can have read through the entire Bible by Jan. 1 2010. Keep in mind, Bible chapters are only about 1-3 pages long, so we're talking anywhere from 15 minutes to 45 minutes a day (45 min is even a bit of a stretch, but I myself am a slow reader). There are many good reading plans out there to help you, or you can make up your own plan. Here's a link to help you get started:

I set my mind to read the Bible through in the fall semester of 2003, and it absolutely changed my life; I encountered the Living God! And you can too, for "all who seek, find."

A few more reasons you should take up the challenge to read the Bible in 2009:

The Bible is the best selling book of all time, and the most printed book of all time.

"The word of God is living and active..."

"Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."

If you don't have a Bible, there are many available online, at libraries, at churches, or just ask and I'll send you one.

I am passionate about both believers and non-believers reading the word of God - Taste and see! You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free!

Blessings to you in 2009 my friend.


bruce said...

Thanks, I'll take up that challenge ! ;-)

Anonymous said...

For some reason I always start strong but never completely finish reading the Bible through..I have read every book in the Bible, just not in the chronological order. So thanks for the encouragement! I think I'll read a different version than what I have read in the past.

Anonymous said...

The Masters Key of See broseph!

Anonymous said...

Very good but the bible is according to Mark,mathew john and luke.I wish anyone in the whole world can show me the bible according to Jesus so I read that.The present bible therefore has so many discrepancies.

Cole said...

Hi Jay,

I believe "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness" (-2 Timothy 3:16).
Jay, "Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit." (-2 Peter 1:20-21).
The Scripture is supported by historical non-Biblical records, archaeology, fulfilled prophecy, personal experience, it's self-consistency, and the witness of the Holy Spirit. Also, the men who authored the Bible, who walked with Christ, both suffered violent persecution and most were murdered for their stubborn refusal to deny the things they both saw and heard (with their own eyes and ears), and later recorded for us in the Bible.
The Word of God is the Anvil that has worn out many a skeptics hammers, and will continue to do so. The heavens and earth will pass away, but His word will always remain! Again, I encourage you, take up the challenge.

Anonymous said...

-2Timothy 3:16 says all bible is god breathed.Why then there are many errors in Bible within different bibles and within same.Accroding to Watchtower magazine sep 1957 there are 50,000 errors in Bible.Thus suggesting there are errors and there may be truth as well.
Your saying that the bible is written by those who were with Jesus.No this is not true.First list of contents was written 360 years later.Bible on the whole was written much later,Mark 75BC,Mathew 85 CE,Luke 95 CE and John 110CE.So sure enough these people were not with Jesus.
Also there are many things introduced into christian theology which is anti jesus e.g.Trinity.
If we believe in God then it is our responsibility to do research but if we inherit religion like colour of our skin or family name then still being educated person there is no reason to get excited or make false assertions.
Cole do some research.There are nowadays many sources,internet is surely one.

Anonymous said...

Jay--Whether you believe that the bible is the inspired word of God assembled over the centuries (beginning with the Torah) or not, the fact remains that it contains lessons from God to His people on how to live. Argue over its supposed "errors" here in this life if you must. Hopefully, though, your searching and questioning will lead you to the truth--that God loved you so much that he sent his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to live and to die for you that you may have eternal life. I wish you peace.

Anonymous said...

Mr.anonymous,you have raised two points,one:Bible contains lessons from God on how to live and second that God said his only begotten son to live and die for you that you may have eternal life.
Now let us take one point at a time.
Bible doesn't contain complete lessons on how to live.Yes some people may argue that religion came for this purpose but there are two things to achieve the goal of living: a)a book that encompasses on all aspect of life and b) a person who comes to live as a model who is prophet.Bible doesn't cover all aspects of life.And jesus due to his short life was not a model because he was neither a father nor a husband.Nor a statesman.He was chased throuhgout his life by Jews thats' why he spoke in parables which caused more confusion than it cleared them.
About begotten son,this is not a unique title to Jesus according to bible if you read it.Exodus 4:22,Israel is my son even my first born,.
II samuel7:13-14 or I chronicles 22:10 He (solomon) shall build a bouse for my name and I will establish the throne of his kingdom for ever.I will be his father and he shall be my son.
Jeremiah 31:9,I am a father to Israel and Ephraim is my firstborn
Dutronomy14:1 common people can be children of God.
Roman8:29 common people can also be called firstborn.
I can write many many references.Bible has sons of God by tons.
Keeping these two points if we see other religions then Judaism and Islam come up to the point but Judaism is so much changed and the Torah is like only a book of history and nothing else.While Quran is a complete instruction manual on how to live and Muhammad was a complete role model.Knowledge never hurted anyone so it wouldn't hurt you either.Read Quran(the word of God) and read Hadith(saying and doing of Muhammad).
Through knowledge only we can make this world a peaceful place.God bless you.

Anonymous said...

As a point of fact it's Ms. Anonymous, but regardless... the entire old testament points to Jesus Christ (the new Adam), but of course you know this since you have studied the bible so extensively. I do not fear the Koran and I am sure that, were I to read it, there would be various points in it that would make me nod my head in agreement. But my faith compells me to trust God's inspired word as told through the sacred scriptures. One's disbelief or distrust does not negate the truth. I just question why it bothers you so that people do believe in the bible as the word of God. Is it because you care so deeply about your fellow man, or because you are not at peace.

Anonymous said...

I believe in bible but as you said "inspired word of God" which means "not the real word of God"This is the difference.Quran is the real word of God.Not because I say after reading it or any muslim says but let us put it to test of ehether it is in accordance with Modern science or in contradiction.Maurice Bucaille a frenchman is one of the many writers who anaysed both Bible and Quran on modern science and acknowledged that "there is not even a single sentence in Quran that contradicts modern science".His book is named "The bible,the Quran and modern science" and is available from be surprised that Keith Moore who is professor of Anatomy and embryology was surprised to know that there were references to Embryology(science of human birth) in Quran and when he checked he not only acknowledged them to be true but also started qouting them in the preface of his book as reliable.You can partially read the references to modern science in Quran by reading the book is this research that confirms Quran to be the real word of God while bible to be the inspired word of God.Difference you will see on reading.
To reach to a destination you need dedication, hard work but last and the most important correct direction.If you drive towards californea while you want to reach to NY you will never reach NY.Quran is that map.

Anonymous said...

Hello Jay,

We really need to agree to disagree. I wish you well.

In Christ,
Ms Anonymous

Anonymous said...

Hi Ms.Anonymous.
It is so sad to see that you are not open to reasoning,logic and an intellectuall analysis based on facts.Just when you are alone think "what if the edifice of religion you have is standing on weak foundation?.Education teaches us logic.It was this lack of tolerance for truth that has led to this bloodshed and hatred that caused billions to die,whether it was by Hitler or settlers in whole of America,Australia,or Newziland.,or the crusaders who ran killing anyone they thought was not like them or didn't worship Jesus something which he would have disproved totally.At least in 2009 I thought people will open up to reasoning but you are telling me that people with foundation raised on emotionalism and arrogance will hardly change.God bless you and guides you to truth for your sake,for the sake of the mission and ministry of Jesus and for world peace.

Anonymous said...

Cole it will be wise to include a website as link for the benefit of

Anonymous said...

It would be much intellectual to have challenged people to read Quran.Have you read it?.One quarter of the world population is muslim.Wouldn't it be sensible to understand qhat Quran is and says and work for mutual bridgebuilding.

Anonymous said...

Ms Anonymous can you answer me.There are 3 basis of chrisitainity,Jesus then Bible and then church.Why there is contradiction among all these?.Church talks about trinity,Bible does nt talk about it.Bible says Jesus saying of one God.Jesus believed in one God and practiced his submission more according to what muslims do today.

Anonymous said...

Hi Theresa,

I have been a Christian all of my life and have never seen a contradiction. One cannot separate Jesus from the bible, and without these two, there is no basis for Christianity. God created humanity to be unlike any other in that we were created to love and serve the one true God. We are endowed with a soul which longs for God. Throughout time, God has revealed Himself to his people in ways that they could understand. When sin entered the world, so did discension and a turning away from God. But God did not turn away from his creation. A careful read of Isaiah and the psalms (as a start) will help one recognize God the Father's salvific plan laid out before us, and eventually fulfilled by the birth, life, passion, death, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. But even after His death, Jesus "did not leave us orphans." Rather, when he returned to his father (that is ascended into heaven 40 days after his resurrection from the dead), he left with them the Spirit of God, namely the Holy Spirit. In John 14:10-11 "The words that I say to you are not just my own. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work. Believe me when i say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me" (parts I & II of the Trinity). John 14:16-17 "If you love me, you will obey what I command. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever--the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you." Thus, the third part of the trinity, the Holy Spirit. I would suggest reading Acts Chapter 2 to get an idea of how the early church came into being--disciples commissioned and sent out by the Holy Spirit to spread the good news that Jesus is God, Jesus is our Savior, and when we live in him, we live in the Father and through that relationship, we gain the power of the Holy Spirit. Christianity, in all its forms and expressions in various countries, denominations, and cultures, is an active, living entity, but it exists through an active, living God revealed to humanity through the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Go in peace, knowing that you are loved by the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Take care.
Ms. Anonymous

Anonymous said...

blah, blah, blah, boring

Anonymous said...

Ms.anonymous,my point is that you couldn't touch that there is no clear statement.No matter how you read the bible(red letters) there is no mention to trinity.Now where did Jesus said,I am God,or I am son of God or worship me.Imagine Jesus is the only prophet who is said to be God,Son of God yet he made sure in life never to say this.Yet he taught everything in public,nothing behind closed doors.He for speaking truth got into problem many a times though.
Think about it.To stretch what he said or what he didn't say into making it look like into something which he would never would have liked to say is not a service to truth.It is such interpretations that are making christians get disinterested in christianity and even making people into atheists.

Anonymous said...

Ms.anonymous,my point is that you couldn't touch that there is no clear statement.No matter how you read the bible(red letters) there is no mention to trinity.Now where did Jesus said,I am God,or I am son of God or worship me.Imagine Jesus is the only prophet who is said to be God,Son of God yet he made sure in life never to say this.Yet he taught everything in public,nothing behind closed doors.He for speaking truth got into problem many a times though.
Think about it.To stretch what he said or what he didn't say into making it look like into something which he would never would have liked to say is not a service to truth.It is such interpretations that are making christians get disinterested in christianity and even making people into atheists.