Saturday, March 29, 2008

God's good plans

At the request of Scott Leisner, I thought I would share a little bit about my new job, move to Saint Cloud, and my understanding of how God brought it to pass. This is a testimony to HIS faithfulness in my life.
After becoming born again as a sophomore in college in the spring of 2004, I began to ask the Lord to tell me what I should study in college, as I was yet to pick a major, and would have to declare the upcoming fall semester. I had some of my own ideas, but was not really passionate or committed to any of them; I just wanted to tell everyone I met about Jesus.
After a summer of asking and seeking an answer from the Lord, it was on a missions trip to Costa Rica in August of 2004, while driving up through the mountains and overlooking San Jose, that the Holy Spirit whispered "geography" to me, and I knew He was telling me what to study. It was not premeditated, in fact, I wasn't even thinking about school at the time. I didn't know why geography specifically, but it didn't matter. I was just thankful to have something. To be honest, I still don't know why geography. Faith is obedience, whether or not I understand.
Over the following two years, however, my faith was tested, because it just didn't make sense to me. Looking back now, I can see, as I just stated above, that part of God's purpose in this time was to teach me about the nature of faith, and to stand on the word He speaks to me, even and especially when it tarries and does not make sense to me.
Unfortunately, because it did not make sense to me, I did not do geography with all my strength as unto the Lord. I worked hard and got good grades, but what I meant is that I did not attend career fairs, did not take an internship, did not pursue geography much outside of the classroom, etc. In short, I did not PREPARE myself for a job in geography after college. And so, when my last semester came around, instead of putting together resumes and applying for jobs, I took a business opportunity, starting my own business, which, in the moment, seemed much easier.
Over the next 6 months, various circumstances combined to lead to the failure of the original vision I shared with my other friends involved. Several other friends who owned their own businesses in similar fields were gracious enough to take me under their wing and teach me their trade, for which I am forever grateful. That being said, the last year and a half has been what I would describe as a wilderness experience.
The wilderness refers to the time or times Israel and all true sons (and daughters) of Israel spend wandering around without any clear direction or purpose, but simply a promised land which God has promised He would give you for an inheritance.
In the book of Deuteronomy, God gives us a number of reasons for which He leads us out into the wilderness: "He did this to take away your pride and to test you, so things would go well for you in the end." - Deuteronomy 8:16
"This was to teach you that man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord." - Deuteronomy 8:3
Most importantly, the wilderness is where we learn to worship God first and foremost for who He is, not just what He gives to us. This was demonstrated in Moses telling God that unless God's presence went with them into the promised land, he would rather stay in the wilderness - because God Himself was the real desire of his heart.
This is what the last year and a half have meant to me - a time of humbling, a time of testing, a time of being sustained not so much by food on the table and clothes on my back and a roof over my head, but being sustained by the spoken word of God to my heart at key points along the journey, and most importantly, coming to the realization that God alone can satisfy me; He alone is the real life-giver.
Throughout the last year and a half, the Lord has reminded me again and again about geography, and so I have gone back to the books, back to the lab, and searched out and applied for geography jobs. I had some near misses with job opportunities here in the twin cities, but I always asked the Lord to shut the door if He something greater planned, and He did.
This story is about to end abruptly, but it is getting rather long, and I know how it can get reading such a long blog post. Basically, earlier this month I applied for a job in Saint Cloud, MN and was soon thereafter hired. Throughout the application and interview process, I was full of faith that this is of God. And so, in a little over a week, I will be starting the new job, and by the 1st of June, Lord willing, moving to Saint Cloud, 3 blocks from my job in downtown St. Cloud, and 7 blocks from the heart of Saint Cloud State University. All this is in fulfillment of several words the Lord has spoken to me over the past four years since I've been saved. Glory to God!
I will share more specifics about the job itself in a forthcoming blog, but I think this is enough for now. Now I live happily ever after, right? Well, not quite...Still more promises of God to be fulfilled, still more desert to cross at some point I'm sure, and once you've come into a promise, there are giants in the land to be defeated : "Tear down...smash...cut down...and burn their idols...Hate and reject those things; they must be completely destroyed." - Deuteronomy 7:5, 26
"Be careful not to forget the Lord your God...when you have more of everything, then your heart will become proud. You will forget the Lord your God." - Deuteronomy 8:11, 14
But I am not of those who turn back and forget the Lord my God. I am of those who have faith and are saved. Therefore, I will run with endurance the race that is set before me, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith! (Hebrews 10:39, 12:1-2)