Thursday, January 31, 2008

Discover Jesus in the Quran?

In my year and a half driving in the Twin Cities, I've seen many Muslim bumper stickers such as "In Allah we trust", or "House of Islam". However, the one I saw the other day was the first of its kind, that I've seen, and a real sign of where we are prophetically. It read "Discover Jesus in the Quran."
To understand the significance of such a bumper sticker, you should know, if you don't already, that Muslims believe that at the End of the Age, Jesus, or Isa as they call Him, will return, but not as the Jewish Messiah, but as a radical Muslim, clearing up the misconceptions about Himself that are central to the Christian faith: namely, that He is the Son of God, God incarnate, that He was conceived of the Holy Spirit, and that He was crucified, buried and resurrected.
A lot more could be said about this here; I highly recommend the book by Joel Richardson titled "Anti-Christ: Islam's Awaited Messiah". This book compares islamic and Christian eschatology, and rightly identifies the coming "Mahdi" of the Muslims as the Anti-Christ spoken of in the Bible. This man, al-Mahdi, is the one who Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad believes himself to be the forerunner of, preparing the way for this world Islamic leader to arise. Anyhow, if you want a copy, you can find it on amazon, and if you need more convincing, I'll even BUY you one, just let me know.
During a recent dialogue with a Muslim friend of mine, he asked if he could invite along another "Christian" friend of his to join us. It turned out this "Christian" friend of his is a Catholic who he has been meeting with and converting to Islam. He was likely allured by the idea of encountering Jesus in the Quran. So, this meeting with the two of them, and seeing that bumper sticker are a wake up call to me. Like Europe, the secularization of our country is making it offensive and unacceptable to believe the Bible. You can have your churches, and your holidays, and even honor Jesus as a humanitarian; but to suggest dogmatically that the Bible is the literal word of God, and that truth is not relative but absolute, that can no longer be tolerated.
Somehow, however, Islam, the most intolerable religion on the face of the planet, slips under the radar screen of the women's rights people, and the gay rights people, and the human rights people. The whole secularized society is duped by Islam's front of being the religion of peace. America needs to wake up! Those who love the lie will be given over, by God, to a spirit of deception, because they loved not the truth, because they loved not God. Already, nominal Christians in America and across the globe are being converted to Islam, which allows them to hold onto some semblance of Jesus Christ, but do not have to be looked at by the world as foolish for believing the Bible to be literal in its account of creation, or in any of its other miraculous and supernatural events. They can hold onto religion, which the soul of man craves, and yet be accepted and tolerated in the world.
My friends, do not be deceived. Without Jesus' shed blood, death, burial and resurrection, there is no salvation. The spirit of Anti-Christ is at work in the world, deceiving the willing, those who love their sin, who love falsehood, The love of the truth will protect you in the end; Jesus Christ is the truth (John 14:6).